Rwanda products Countries
Africa Products Shop Akeza Red Sorghum Flour 1 kg
Akeza Red Sorghum Flour 1 kg: Red Sorghum flour is often used alongside other gluten-free flours in recipes to achieve delightful results. It can be used to make porridge.
€10,31 €9,99
africaproductsnl Sweet Potatoes Uganda (Ibijumba) 8kg
Sweet Potatoes Uganda (Ibijumba) 8kg Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are a versatile and nutritious root vegetable that is widely cultivated and consumed across the globe. Here are some key points about sweet potatoes: Nutritional Benefits Rich in Nutrients: Sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamins (especially vitamin A and vitamin C), minerals (like potassium and manganese), and fiber. Antioxidants: They contain antioxidants that help combat free radicals in the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Low Glycemic Index: Sweet potatoes have a relatively low glycemic index compared to other starchy foods, making them a better option for maintaining stable blood sugar levels. Varieties Sweet potatoes come in several varieties, differing in skin and flesh color. Common types include: Orange-fleshed: Most common, rich in beta-carotene. Purple-fleshed: High in anthocyanins, another type of antioxidant. White-fleshed: Less sweet but still nutritious. Culinary Uses Sweet potatoes can be prepared in numerous ways: Baked or roasted: Enhances their natural sweetness. Boiled or steamed: A common method to preserve their nutrients. Mashed: Often used as a side dish. Fried: Popular as sweet potato fries or chips. In soups and stews: Adds a sweet and hearty flavor. Desserts: Used in pies, cakes, and other sweets. Cultural Significance In many African countries, including Uganda and Rwanda, sweet potatoes are a dietary staple. They are used in traditional dishes and are important for food security. In Uganda, the sweet potato is called "Rumonde" in Luganda. In Rwanda, the Kinyarwanda name for sweet potatoes is "ibijumba." Agricultural Aspects Climate: Sweet potatoes thrive in warm climates and are well-suited to tropical and subtropical regions. Soil: They prefer well-drained, sandy loam soils with good fertility. Planting: Typically propagated through vine cuttings rather than seeds. Harvesting: Usually takes place 3-4 months after planting, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Sweet potatoes are not only a key food crop for many communities but also an important source of nutrition and economic stability.
€49,99 €42,99
africaproductsnl Matoke (Groen banaan) Uganda-Rwanda 20 kg
Matoke from Uganda Matoke is most consummed food in Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi in rural areas and cities. You can find matoke in the most restaurants in Uganda and Rwanda for good price.! Matoke, locally also known as matooke, amatooke in Buganda (Central Uganda), ekitookye in southwestern Uganda, ekitooke in western Uganda, ebitooke in northwestern Tanzania, igitoki in Rwanda and Burundi and by the cultivar name East African Highland banana, is a starchy triploid banana cultivar originating from the African Great Lakes. The fruit is harvested green, carefully peeled, and then cooked and often mashed or pounded into a meal. In Uganda and Rwanda, the fruit is steam-cooked, and the mashed meal is considered a national dish in both countries. Matoke bananas are a staple food crop in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and other Great Lakes countries.
€111,91 €100,00
africaproductsnl White Garden Eggs (Aubergines) Uganda
White Garden Eggs Discover the exotic world of Ugandan cuisine with White Garden Eggs (Aubergines). Locally grown in Uganda, these glossy vegetables, commonly referred to as aubergines in French, have gained international recognition for their distinctive taste and versatility. Known as "intoryi" in Rwanda and "intura" in Luganda, these garden eggs bring an authentic touch to your dishes. Sourced from the fertile farmlands of Uganda, these high-quality garden eggs are perfect for adding flavor and nutritional value to your cooking. Embrace the essence of African taste with Uganda's finest white garden eggs.
€8,50 €7,99
africaproductsnl Akeza Mixed Flour Imvange Rwanda 1 kg
Mixed Flour 1 kg Imvange Rwanda: mixed flour: millet, maize, sorghum and soybeans. with nutritions facts. Crafted in Rwanda, Akeza Mixed Flour offers a unique combination of millet, maize, sorghum, and soybeans to add depth and flavor to your meals. Whether you're baking bread, making pancakes, or thickening sauces, this high-quality flour is your go-to ingredient. Experience the taste of tradition with Akeza Mixed Flour.
€10,31 €9,10
africaproductsnl Akeza Cassava Leaves Rwanda 200 g (Isombe)
Akeza cassava leaves 200 g: pounded dried edible cassava leaves: recette pondu est facile à faire. Comment préparer le pondu congolais. Le pondu autrement appelé saka saka est l’un des plats les plus populaires de la RD Congo. Preparations et instructions: Temps de préparation : 30 minutes Temps de cuisson : 40 minutes Ingrédients (pour 4 personnes) : 750 g de feuilles de manioc moulues (disponible dans les magasins de produits exotiques) 4 poivrons 2 aubergines 2 courgettes 1 poireau 1 bouquet de ciboulette 1 boite de sardines (facultatif) huile de palme ou huile d’olive (quantité à déterminer selon les goûts) 1 bouillon de légumes (le cube Maggi pondu existe dans les magasins de produits exotiques) sel Préparation de la recette : Couper les aubergines et les courgettes en dés d’1 cm maximum, le poireau et la ciboulette en rondelles. Pour gagner du temps, réduire la totalité ou la moitié de chaque légume en bouillie (sauf le poivron), grâce à un mixeur à légumes. Plus les légumes sont solides, plus longue sera la cuisson.Dans une grande casserole, faire cuire les feuilles de manioc avec un peu d’eau.Si vous utilisez de l’huile d’olive, les faire griller dans l’huile et ajouter un peu d’eau (limiter la quantité d’eau, vu que les feuilles en absorbent pas mal et que les autres légumes vont en apporter). Ajouter les légumes en commençant par le poivron.Laisser le poivron cuire une vingtaine de minutes, et quand il commence à devenir vert foncé, ajouter le reste des légumes.A ce stade, la cuisson peut durer 30 à 40 min selon l’état plus ou moins solide de vos légumes. Quand le pondu commence à prendre en homogénéité, en fin de cuisson, ajouter l’huile de palme (sauf si vous avez utilisé de l’huile d’olive au départ), le bouillon de légumes, du sel si nécessaire, et pour relever le goût, éventuellement les sardines.Prêt, le pondu est censé avoir une consistance pâteuse, plus ou moins compacte, et en sauce (un peu comme des épinards hachés à la crème). Remarques : A consommer avec du riz. NB: Vous pouvez remplacer les crevette par: la viande de bœuf, le poisson (maquereau, thon, etc) frais désossé et émietté (maquereau, thon, etc), du blanc du poulet, La viande de porc etc.
€8,49 €7,99
africaproductsnl Akabanga peper Rwanda 30 cl
Akabanga peper Rwanda 30 cl: Rwandan liquid, yellow and hot biologic chili sauce (peper) produced in Rwanda. Akabanga can both be used as a condiment or as a cooking for the real taste of your food.
€3,66 €2,63